Chapter: Footprint without Feet
( 1 ) How did the invisible man first become visible ?
Ans. Griffin was completely invisible . First time only his footprints on mud were seen by two boys later on . He was visible to the assistants of the London store where he was caught sleeping fully dressed.
( 2 ) Why was Griffin wandering the streets ?
Ans. Griffin was à lawless man. His landlord disliked him and wanted to get rid of him. To take revenge, he had set fire to the house. He became homeless. He removed his clothes so that he can become invisible. So he was wandering the streets as he was without home, clothes and money.
( 3 ) Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist eccentric ?
Ans. There are a few reasons
( 1 ) His coming to inn in winters .
( 2 ) His strange appearance .
( 3 ) His unwillingness to talk to anybody .
( 4 ) His coming for isolation to Iping . All these reasons made Mrs. Hall consider him as the eccentric scientist .
( 4 ). What other extraordinary things happen at the inn ?
Ans. Many extraordinary things happened in the inn , which are as follows -
( 1 ) Mrs. Hall found Griffin's door open .The room was empty .
( 2 ) She heard sniff close to her ear
( 3 ) The hat on the bedpost leapt up and dashed on Mrs. Hall's face .
( 5 ) How would you access Griffin as a scientist ?
Ans. After a lot of experiments, Griffin was successful in how to make human body invisible / transparent. This was a great achievement. But he was not a true scientist. A true scientist uses his inventions for the benefit of the humanity, he never causes trouble to them, whereas, he misused his inventions for personal gains and harting others. He was brilliant. no doubt, but not a good human being.
( 6 ) Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated ?
Ans. The two boys in London saw fresh muddy footprinting appearing on the steps of a house but the barefooted man was not visible. So they were surprised and fascinated.
( 7 ) How can we say that Griffin was a lawless man .
Ans. Griffin was a lawless man . He set fire to a house which didn't belong to him. He took away clothes without paying. He hit the shopkeeper and stole his money proves that Griffin was lawless.