
Chapter: Birth

1. “I have done something ; oh, God ! I've done something real at last .” Why does Andrew say this ? What does it mean ?

Ans. The young doctor Andrew Manson had done a commendable work . He utters these words after he is able to being a still born child back to life, which seemed impossible in the beginning. He helped the middle - aged lady in her safe delivery . He utters these words out of deep satisfaction on achieving the impossible task. He has been able to apply whatever he learnt in the medical textbooks. The above words mean that a doctor is a medium through which God grants life to the patients. Andrew acknowledges this fact in the above words . 

2. There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician . Discuss . 

Ans. There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of practising physician. Text book medicine is purely a science, whereas treating a patient is an art. The practising physician requires a different set of skills and knowledge. Textbook medicine no doubt provides the concepts for treatment, but no doctor can treat a patient without his intuitive practices. In this story, Andrew takes a chance. In the beginning, he applies his textbook knowledge but the child does not recover. However, he doesn't lose hope. He applies his own method and miracle happens. Treatment is both a science and an art. 

3. Do you know of any incident when someone has been brought back to life from the brink of death through medical help. Discuss medical procedures such as organ transplant and organ regeneration that are used to save human life. 

Ans. Yes, I have heard of incidents where people have been brought back to life from the brink of death through medical help. Surgical operations, life saving medicines and organ transplant and regeneration play a leading role in modern medical science. Blood bank and eye bank are quite common. Nowdays, people voluntarily donate various organs of their body to the hospital after their death. These days, eye, heart, kidney and liver transplant are very common. 

4. Who is Joe Morgan ? Why was he waiting for Andrew ?

Ans. Joe Morgan is a driller in a mining town. He was waiting for Andrew to help his wife Susan in the delivery of child.

5. Where was Andrew led by Joe ? Why Joe did not enter the house with the doctor ? 

Ans. Andrew was led by Joe to his house as his wife was delivering their first child. Joe was tensed as it happened after 20 years of getting married so he refused to go inside the house. 

6. What does Andrew feel about marriage ? 

Ans. Andrew believed that marriage was a peaceful and beautiful state. He loved Christine but the conflict between his mind and heart left him confused and resentful . 

7. What does the author of the story ' Birth ' refer to as “ a miracle " ?

Ans. According to the author, the miracle is “ the life getting into the stillborn ". The baby was in critical position and Andrew had tried his best to save the baby. When he was successful, he referred to it as a ' miracle ' .